Marvel Avenger's Alliance: 6/25/13 Patch Notes - P5 Buffs

The latest patch for Marvel Avenger's Alliance features key buffs to the Phoenix Five version of Cyclops and Magik and may see the two appear more frequently in PVP. The biggest buffs come to Cyclops who, among other things, gets a new passive to increase teammates' stats and a buff to Optic Blast (Flanking - grants Follow-Up) that may let him one-shot a Blaster . His AOE also now causes Incapacitate. The P5 passives on Cyclops and Phoenix have been upped to 40% which brings them in line with the other P5 costumes. Changes to Magik should make her more viable for PVP as her Soulsword now increases her survivability a little and she doesn't take as much of a hit from being debuffed as before. Here are the full notes: