
Showing posts from April, 2012

Forsaken World: A Guide to Defend Dusktown

Defend Dusktown is a new, short instance introduced in the Nightfall expansion of Forsaken World. It rewards a good amount of soul power and some loot if you have a mantra to use after the boss. Entering the Instance To enter the instance, your party has to be in the same realm and find a Dusk Envoy to enter the instance. You can only enter the instance 3 times a day. You can see how many entries you have left by pressing "F12" or clicking on the "System" icon. Dusk Envoys

Forsaken World: A Guide to the Ghostfang Castle Instance

Ghostfang Castle (GFC) is a new instance introduced in the Nightfall patch of Forsaken World . It is currently the best source for getting level 2 runes short of making them from level 1s. To enter, the party leader must have at least 60 dedication and the quest "Siege Ghostfang." A player may only be leader in entering Ghost fang once a week. To get the "Siege Ghostfang" quest, press "H" and click on the "Inst: Ghostfang Castle" tab.

Forsaken World: A Guide to Collecting Soul Force

With the arrival of the Nightfall patch to Forsaken World , the Path of Vice or Virtue was opened for characters who complete the mainline quest . With the Vice/Virtue system, players are scrambling to maximize their daily soul power to level up and unlock their Vice/Virtue trees. This guide covers the quests and actions that will give a decent to excellent amount of soul power to help you level your Nyos or Dyos paths.