Pokémon Go Year of the Snake 2025 Lunar New Year Cheat Sheet
- Runs from Wednesday, January 29, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time
Event Bonuses
- Increased chance to get Lucky Pokémon in trades (time to try for that Lucky Hundo).
- Increased chance to become Lucky Friends.
Daily Field Research for PokéCoins
You can get a bonus daily Field Research task each day you play the game during the event that awards PokéCoins (including lucky quests that give 25 coins). I got a quest to catch 3 Pokemon for 5 PokéCoins.
*To obtain bonus Field Research tasks, you must have three or fewer active Field Research tasks when you log in for the first time each day.
Wild Encounters (increased chance of Shiny Ekans):
- Ekans* (enhanced Shiny chance)
- Onix*
- Snivy*
- Darumaka*
- Dunsparce*
- Gyarados*
- Dratini*
*=Shiny possible.
Event Eggs - The following Pokémon will hatch from 2 km Eggs:
- Makuhita*
- Nosepass* (enhanced Shiny chance)
- Meditite*
- Duskull*
- Skorupi*
Event Field Research Tasks - Rewards include Stardust and event-themed Pokémon.
- Catch 12 Pokemon for a Voltorb*, Magikarp*, Dratini*, or Darumaka*.
- Catch 6 Pokemon while following Routes for 1200 Stardust.
- Explore 2 km for 600 Stardust.
Timed Research - Rewards 6 1 Zygarde Cells, 5000XP, and 2000 Stardust for completing all the tasks.
- Walk 1 km while traveling Routes - 1 Zygarde Cell
- Walk 2 km while traveling Routes - 1 Zygarde Cell
- Catch 10 Pokémon while following Routes - 1 Zygarde Cell
- Follow a Route - 1 Zygarde Cell
Collection Challenge (catch the following Pokémon during the event to get 6000 Stardust):
- Ekans
- Dunsparce
- Snivy
- Onix
- Darumaka
Photo via Pokémon Go.
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