Marvel Avengers Alliance: Spec Ops 7 Task List

Spec Ops 7: Ghost in the Machine is well under way for Marvel Avengers Alliance. Complete all 25 task and Hank Pym (Ant-Man) is yours!

If you're still in the hunt for Magneto, Magnetic Lockboxes are available as prizes in some deploys.

Here's the Task List for Spec Ops 7 of Marvel Avengers Alliance for your reference:

Special Operations 7

Ends March 31, 2013

1. Take A.I.M.: Defeat 4 A.I.M. Scientists - A.I.M.'s fanatical scientists know a lot, and knowing is half the battle. They can be found in Mission 1: The Big Brains.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

2. Alliance: Get 1 Distress Call - You can only receive Distress Calls by visiting allies. Add allies to help you win more battles.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 1000 silver

3. Blowup: Defeat Nitro in Mission 1 - Defeat Nitro in Mission 1: The Big Brains.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 1000 silver

4. Big and Little: Use Hank Pym's Growing Pains Ability 3 Times - Growing Pains is Hank Pym's first ability, which applies Cornered and Dizzy. Hank Pym is a Team-Up in Spec Op 7 Mission 1 and 3.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: Spec Op 7: Mission 2 Unlocked and 1 CP

5. Scientist Supreme: Defeat M.O.D.O.K. - M.O.D.O.K. is the Boss of Mission 1: The Big Brains

  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

6. Prototyping: Research the Prototype AI in the Lab - Research the Prototype AI to complete this task.
  • Research Time - 8 hours
  • Research Cost - 100 silver and 60 Unstable Iso-8s
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold (or you can buy 60 Unstable Iso-8s for 6g)
  • Reward: 1 Prototype AI

7. Killer Robots: Defeat 3 Sentinels - The Sentinels were originally programmed to hunt and exterminate mutants. They can be found in Mission 2: Ain't Broke
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 1 CP

8. Sticks and Stones: Defeat 2 Mini bosses in Mission 2 - Grey Gargoyle and Boomerang are mini bosses in Mission 2: Ain't Broke
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 1000 silver

9. Mission Accomplished: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 2000 Silver

10. I Can Fix It!: Defeat Fixer - Fixer is a Boss of Mission 2: Ain't Broke.
Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
Reward: 3000 silver

11. Sword Time: Upgrade Decade to Mahayuga in the Lab - The Mahayuga can be researched after acquiring the Decade.
  • Research Time - 24 hours
  • Research Cost - 100 silver and 80 Unstable Iso8s
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold (or you can buy 80 Unstable Iso-8s for 8 gold)
  • Reward: Mahayuga

12. Pym Particles: Use Hank Pym's Goliath Punch Ability 3 Times - Goliath Punch is Hank Pym's second ability, which Exploits Opportunity. Hank Pym is a Team-Up in Spec Op 7 Missions 1.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

13. Everyday Hero: Complete 5 Deploys - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and power-ups. Can be done outside of Spec Ops.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: Spec Op 7: Mission 3 Unlocked and 1 CP

14. Jet Set: Complete 5 Flight Deck Missions - Send any hero on any flight deck mission.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

15. Versus: Fight 5 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode. Practice mode PVP matches count.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold
  • Reward: 100 xP

16. Weapons of the Future: Upgrade the Indiction to the Manvantara in the Lab - The Manvantara can be researched after acquiring the Indiction.
  • Research Time - 48 hours
  • Research Cost - 300 silver and 120 Unstable Iso-8s
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold (or you can buy 120 Unstable Iso-8s for 12 gold)
  • Reward: 1000 Silver

17. Best and Brightest: Use Hank Pym and Iron Man in the same battle - Hank Pym is a Team-Up in Mission 1 and Mission 3.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

18. Fix It: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold
  • Reward: 3000 Silver

19. Made for Walking: Use Hank Pym's Bug Squashing Ability Once - Bug Squashing is Hank Pym's fourth ability, which puts the boot in on all enemies. Hank Pym is a Team-Up in Spec Op 7 Missions 1 and 3.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

20. Into the Squared Circle: Win 3 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode. Practice mode PVP matches count.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 30 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

21. Resource Management: Collect 10 Unstable Iso-8 - Unstable Isotope-8 can be found in normal combat, as well as rewards from deploys and boss fights. You can also get some from your friends!
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold
  • Reward: 4000 silver

22. Intelligent Artifice: Use 2 Prototype AIs in Combat - Prototype AI can be purchased in the store.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 20 gold
  • Reward: 4000 silver

23. The Conqueror: Defeat Kang - Kang is the Boss of Mission 3: A Wrinkle in Time.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 10 gold
  • Reward: 100 XP

24. Ulterior: Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 7 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 25 gold
  • Reward: 5000 silver

25. Defeat Dr. Doom: Magic and Science - Dr. Doom is the Epic Boss in Mission 3: A Wrinkle in Time. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear. You will need Cable, Wasp, and Spider-Man for deploys to complete (total CP cost - 315) so it may be better to pay the Gold cost to complete Task #25 if you're missing two or all three of them.
  • Alternate Cost to Complete - 25 gold
  • Reward: Unlock Hank Pym!


    1. confused about the last part - "You will need Cable, Wasp, and Spider-Man for deploys to complete (total CP cost - 315) so if may be better to pay the Gold cost if you're missing two or all three." do u need those characters to win this spec op?

      1. To complete, Task 25, you'll need those 3 heroes to send on specific deploys to unlock the battle against Dr. Doom (as well as completing each battle in Mission 3). So you'll need all three to complete the Spec Ops or you'll need to spend 25 gold to skip the task.

      2. Why won't nitro fight load on my phone? Lumia Windows


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