Marvel Snap: Series 3 (Pool 3) Card List
Series 3 or Pool 3 is the main card pool of Marvel Snap as cards that first appear in Series 4 (Pool 4) and Series 5 (Pool 5) will eventually migrate to Series 3 (as will Season Pass cards).
There are currently 77 cards in Series 3, which is more than Series 1 and 2 combined so it'll take you quite a while to collect them. You start getting Series 3 cards starting at Collection level 486 and up.
Here's the current list of Marvel Snap Series 3 cards:
- Adam Warlock [2/0] At the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, draw a card.
- Aero [5/8] On Reveal: Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location.
- Agatha Harkness [6/14] Agatha starts in your hand and plays your cards for you.
- Arnim Zola [6/0] On Reveal: Destroy a random friendly card here. Add copies of it to the other locations.
- Baron Mordo [2/3] On Reveal: Your opponent draws a card. Set its Cost to 6.
- Beast [2/2] On Reveal: Return your other cards at this location to your hand. They cost 1 less.
- Black Bolt [5/8] On Reveal: Your opponent must discard the lowest-Cost card in their hand.
- Black Cat [3/6] If this is in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it.
- Black Widow [2/1] On Reveal: Add a Widow’s Bite to your opponent’s hand.
- Widow's Bite [0/0] While this is in your hand, cards in your deck cannot be drawn.
- Brood [3/2] On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power.
- Captain Marvel [5/6] At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
- Cerebro [3/0] Ongoing: Your highest Power cards get +2 Power.
- Colleen Wing [2/4] On Reveal: Discard the lowest-cost card from your hand.
- Crossbones [4/8] You can only play this at locations where you are winning.
- Crystal [4/4] On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 3 cards.
- Dagger [2/1] When this moves to a location, +2 Power for each card your opponent has there.
- Daredevil [2/2] On turn 5, you get to see your opponent’s plays before you make your own.
- Deadpool [1/1] When this is destroyed, return it to your hand with double the Power.
- Death [9/12] Costs 1 less for each card destroyed this game.
- Debrii [3/3] On Reveal: Add a Rock to each other location, for both players.
- Destroyer [6/15] On Reveal: Destroy your other cards.
- Doctor Doom [6/5] On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location.
- Doctor Octopus [5/10] On Reveal: Pull 4 random cards from your opponent’s hand to their side of this location.
- Dracula [4/0] At the end of the game, discard a card from your hand. This has its Power.
- Drax [4/4] On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +4 Power.
- Electro [3/2] On Reveal: +1 Max Energy. Ongoing: You can only play 1 card a turn.
- Falcon [2/3] On Reveal: Return your 1-Cost cards to your hand.
- Gambit [3/1] On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
- Ghost Rider [4/3] On Reveal: Bring back one of your discarded cards to this location.
- Giganto [6/14] You can only play this at the left location.
- Goose [2/2] Ongoing: Nobody can play cards that cost 4, 5, or 6 at this location.
- Green Goblin [3/-3] On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this.
- Hazmat [2/1] On Reveal: Afflict all other cards with -1 Power.
- Hela [6/6] On Reveal: Play all cards you discarded from your hand to random locations.
- Hellcow [4/6] On Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand.
- Human Torch [1/2] When this moves, double its Power.
- Invisible Woman [2/2] Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.
- Jane Foster The Mighty Thor [5/8] On Reveal: Draw all cards that Cost 0 from your deck.
- Juggernaut [3/3] On Reveal: If your opponent played cards here this turn, move them randomly.
- Kingpin [3/4] When a card moves here on turn 6, destroy it.
- Leader [6/4] On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played this turn, but on your side.
- Lockjaw [3/2] When you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.
- Magik [5/3] You can’t play this on turn 6. On Reveal: Change this location to ‘Limbo’.
- Magneto [6/12] On Reveal: Move all opposing 3 and 4-Cost cards to this location.
- Maximus [3/7] On Reveal: Your opponent draws 2 cards.
- Miles Morales Spider-Man [4/5] If a card moved last turn, this cost 1.
- Mister Negative [4/-1] On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck.
- Mojo [2/2] Ongoing: If both players have 4 cards at this location, +6 Power.
- Moon Knight [3/3] On Reveal: Discard a card from each player’s hand.
- Mysterio [2/4] As you play this, play Illusions to other locations. Disguise this as an Illusion until the game ends.
- Mystique [3/0] On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing ability, this card gains it.
- Nick Fury [5/7] On Reveal: Add 3 random 6-Cost cards to your hand.
- Omega Red [4/5] Ongoing: If you’re ahead by 10 Power here, +4 Power to other locations.
- Patriot [3/1] Ongoing: Your cards with no abilities have +2 Power.
- Polaris [3/5] On Reveal: Move an opposing 1 or 2-Cost card to this location.
- Psylocke [2/1] On Reveal: Next turn, you get +1 Energy.
- Quake [2/3] On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, swap the positions of each location.
- Quinjet [1/2] Ongoing: Cards that didn’t start in your deck cost 1 less.
- Red Skull [5/15] Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +2 Power.
- Rescue [4/4] On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +5 Power.
- Rockslide [4/6] On Reveal: Shuffle 2 Rocks into your opponent’s deck.
- Rogue [3/1] On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location.
- Ronan, the Accuser [5/3] Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent’s hand.
- Sera [5/4] Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)
- Spider-Man [4/3] On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn.
- Taskmaster [5/0] On Reveal: Set this card’s Power equal to the Power of the last card you played.
- The Hood [1/-2] On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand.
- Demon [1/6]
- Thor [3/4] On Reveal: Shuffle Mjolnir into your deck.
- Mjornir [0/0] On Reveal: Give Thor +6 Power.
- Typhoid Mary [4/10] Ongoing: Your other cards have -1 Power.
- Ultron [6/8] On Reveal: Create four 1-Power Drones at each other location.
- Venom [3/1] On Reveal: Destroy your other cards at this location. Add their Power to this card.
- Viper [2/3] On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of one of your other cards at this location.
- Wasp [0/1]
- Wave [3/3] On Reveal: Next turn, cards in both players’ hands cost 4.
- Wong [4/2] Ongoing: Your On Reveal abilities at this location happen twice.
- Yellow Jacket [0/2] On Reveal: Afflict your other cards at this location with -1 Power.
- Zero [1/3] On Reveal: Remove the abilities on the next card you play.
Photo via Marvel Snap.
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